
Find Washington State Ferries schedules by route, best times to travel and low tide warnings.

You can view schedules by route or by date. Check low tide warnings for our Vashon Island and Mukilteo/Clinton routes, where large vehicles are sometimes restricted due to increased ramp angles.

Find the best time to travel on Washington State Ferries by selecting your route and sailing dates.

Learn about when to avoid certain routes during low tides so you do not damage your vehicle from scraping or getting caught on the loading ramps.

Choose a date and route to see a list of sailings.

Find Washington State Ferries schedule information by route.

Slow down – lives are on the line. 

In 2023, speeding continued to be a top reason for work zone crashes.

Even one life lost is too many.

Fatal work zone crashes doubled in 2023 - Washington had 10 fatal work zone crashes on state roads.

It's in EVERYONE’S best interest.

95% of people hurt in work zones are drivers, their passengers or passing pedestrians, not just our road crews.