• Contract

I-5, Secret Creek – Fish Passage

Contract summary

This project will replace existing fish barrier culvert crossings on I-5 and Pacific Highway at Secret Creek (milepost 211.50 and 211.70, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Sites 990622 and 990623) with three fish passable structures. The project will also include reconstruction of the creek channel through the entire length of the I-5 median section between the two crossings.

Public Works
Publication Date
Contract status
Contract ID
Snohomish County
Submittal due date and time
Estimated value
$45,000,000 - $55,000,000
Funding source
A state and federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds project with a 5% small business enterprise goal and a 3% veteran-owned business goal.
Mikkel Lamay
Project Engineer