Operations at http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/Traffic/api/HighwayAlerts/HighwayAlertsREST.svc
This page describes the service operations at this endpoint.
Uri | Method | Description |
GetAlertAsJson | GET | Search for a single alert in JSON format |
GetAlertAsXml | GET | Search for a single alert in XML format |
GetAlertsAsJson | GET | Current traffic alerts in JSON format |
GetAlertsAsXml | GET | Current traffic alerts in XML format |
GetAlertsByMapAreaAsJson | GET | Current traffic alerts limited to a specific map area in JSON format |
GetAlertsByMapAreaAsXml | GET | Current traffic alerts limited to a specific map area in XML format |
GetAlertsByRegionIDAsJson | GET | Retrieve alerts for a specific WSDOT region |
GetEventCategoriesAsJson | GET | List of Categories used by alerts in JSON format |
GetEventCategoriesAsXml | GET | List of Categories used by alerts in XML format |
GetMapAreasAsJson | GET | List of available map areas in JSON format |
GetMapAreasAsXml | GET | List of available map areas in XML format |
SearchAlertsAsJson | GET | Search for alerts for a specified time and route in JSON format |
SearchAlertsAsXml | GET | Search for alerts for a specified time and route in XML format |