

The Barlist object represents the entire barlist data structure.  The data structure is hierarchical and consists of groups of bars and contain bar records.  A bar record represents an individual entry in a barlist.

Groups prop_ro.gif (135 bytes) Returns the group collection
TrafficBarrierQuantity prop_rw.gif (138 bytes) Get/Set the traffic barrier quantity
BridgeGrateInletQuantity prop_rw.gif (138 bytes) Get/Set the bridge grate inlet quantity
RetainingWallQuantity prop_rw.gif (138 bytes) Get/Set the retaining wall quantity
SuperstructureMass prop_ro.gif (135 bytes) Get the mass of the superstructure bars, excluding the epoxy coated bars
SuperstructureMassEpoxy prop_ro.gif (135 bytes) Get the mass of the epoxy coated superstructure bars
SubstructureMass prop_ro.gif (135 bytes) Get the mass of the substructure bars, excluding the epoxy coated bars
SubstructureMassEpoxy prop_ro.gif (135 bytes) Get the mass of the epoxy coated substructure bars
Status prop_ro.gif (135 bytes) Get the status of the barlist
Project prop_rw.gif (138 bytes) Get/Set the project name
JobNumber prop_rw.gif (138 bytes) Get/Set the job number
Engineer prop_rw.gif (138 bytes) Get/Set the engineer
Company prop_rw.gif (138 bytes) Get/Set the company
Comments prop_rw.gif (138 bytes) Get/Set comments
OnBarRecordAdded event.gif (80 bytes) Fired when a bar record is added to the barlist
OnBarRecordChanged event.gif (80 bytes) Fired when a bar record is changed
OnBarRecordRemoved event.gif (80 bytes) Fired when a bar record is removed from the barlist
OnBarRecordsSorted event.gif (80 bytes) Fired when the bar records within a group are sorted
OnBarRecordMoved EVENT.GIF (80 bytes) Fired when a bar record moves
OnGroupAdded event.gif (80 bytes) Fired when a group is added to the barlist
OnGroupChanged event.gif (80 bytes) Fired when a group is changed
OnGroupRemoved event.gif (80 bytes) Fired when a group is removed from the barlist
OnGroupMoved EVENT.GIF (80 bytes) Fired when a group moves
OnNotIncludedQuantitiesChanged event.gif (80 bytes) Fired when one of the quantities not included change

Copyright © 1999, Washington State Department of Transportation